©Maxence Gross
Equestrian circuits

Equestrian circuits

You want to go for a horse ride ? You will find here all the circuits authorized for horses and riders (multi-use trails). Or follow the Equibreizh circuit, a circuit dedicated to horseback riding, and adapted!

All about

the Equibreizh


It is first of all an itinerary, a path, that each person can walk in his or her own way.
This itinerary uses public paths or paths belonging to the communes, the departments, the Conservatoire du Littoral et des Rivages Lacustres, the State for the state-owned forests or the maritime parts.

Each department has registered these paths in the Plan Départemental des Itinéraires de Promenades et de Randonnées (P.D.I.P.R.).


Orange plastic markers help you find your way around the Equibreizh route.

Generally found on the right side of the path, on trees 6 feet off the ground or on wooden posts.
The markers are plastic or self-adhesive.
Other equestrian markers exist, orange paint, horseshoe, round plastic marker.
These are local routes that local associations will communicate to you.

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