Atelier de chant indien Dhrupad et de Bansoori
in Questembert
Introductory and advanced class in singing and Indian music.
The drupad is one of the oldest and most sacred forms of Indian classical music. It has its origins in the Vedic texts and dates back over 700 years. It is a style of vocal singing that is characterized by prolonged notes, a slow melody and a complex rhythmic structure. The drupad is usually performed by male singers, often in duets. Artists use their voice to create low-pitched, deep sounds, emphasizing tonal precision and the exploration of nuance. The singing is accompanied by instruments...
The drupad is one of the oldest and most sacred forms of Indian classical music. It has its origins in the Vedic texts and dates back over 700 years. It is a style of vocal singing that is characterized by prolonged notes, a slow melody and a complex rhythmic structure. The drupad is usually performed by male singers, often in duets. Artists use their voice to create low-pitched, deep sounds, emphasizing tonal precision and the exploration of nuance. The singing is accompanied by instruments such as the pakhawaj tambourine and sometimes the tambura, which provide constant harmonic reference. This form of music emphasizes emotional and spiritual expression. Song lyrics can be taken from mystical poems or religious texts, and aim to evoke a deep connection with the listener. The drupad is known for its improvisational structure, allowing singers to develop variations and explore different melodic ranges. The drupad is appreciated for its timeless beauty, its meditative nature and its artistic depth. It continues to be passed down from generation to generation, thus preserving a valuable musical tradition of India.
Free participationFrom 15 €