AtelierFeutre - Sonia Arfaoui.jpg

Atelier "Laine feutrée à l’eau et au savon - Créer un petit panier"

Workshops in Molac
  • This workshop organized by the Atelier des Lucioles and led by Sara Cappato "On s'en Feutre", will introduce you to the techniques of creating felted wool.

  • Sara Cappato, aka On s'en feutre, invites you to make together a small basket / empty pocket in felted wool with soap and water. This will allow you to learn some basics for making volumetric objects, using a pattern. No knowledge is required, but good manual skills, patience and precision are necessary to ensure a good result. The workshop takes place over one day: from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Public / Prerequisites: All audiences – This workshop is accessible to...
    Sara Cappato, aka On s'en feutre, invites you to make together a small basket / empty pocket in felted wool with soap and water. This will allow you to learn some basics for making volumetric objects, using a pattern. No knowledge is required, but good manual skills, patience and precision are necessary to ensure a good result. The workshop takes place over one day: from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Public / Prerequisites: All audiences – This workshop is accessible to children aged 12 and over accompanied by an adult. Note that this is a fairly long workshop and requires concentration. Minimum / maximum participants: 4/8 Practical information: for the needs of the workshop, everyone is invited to bring: 2 old towels, a sponge, a basin, Marseille soap and elbow grease 😉! Price: €50 for members for the 6-hour workshop; €55 for non-members for the 6-hour workshop – €75 for a parent-child duo who are members for the 6-hour workshop; €82.50 for a non-member parent-child duo for the 6-hour workshop. A deposit of 50% is required upon reservation. It will be kept in the event of cancellation by the participant occurring less than 3 working days before the workshop (unless the person withdrawing finds a replacement) and refunded if the workshop does not take place, due to lack of sufficient numbers. of participants. Payment of the deposit by check, cash or online via HelloAsso. For any information or registration, contact us by email (and don't hesitate to check your spam if you don't see a response quickly).
  • Rates
  • Reduce rate
    50 €
  • Full-fare
    55 €
  • Reduce rate
    75 €
  • Full-fare
    82.50 €