Music, Concert
in Questembert
Concert at the Asphodèle.
Classically trained, these 3 musicians found themselves, during their travels, between traditions and improvisations. Between Brazil and the Balkans, Brazakuja, through his compositions and rearrangements of traditional music, varies the sounds, rhythms and languages to offer a unique and colorful mix. The originality of this project is also in their vocal and musical association: accordion, drums and cello. Brazakuja is a group supported and accompanied by Asphodèle. For all. Remember to...
Classically trained, these 3 musicians found themselves, during their travels, between traditions and improvisations. Between Brazil and the Balkans, Brazakuja, through his compositions and rearrangements of traditional music, varies the sounds, rhythms and languages to offer a unique and colorful mix. The originality of this project is also in their vocal and musical association: accordion, drums and cello. Brazakuja is a group supported and accompanied by Asphodèle. For all. Remember to reserve your tickets online, click on the “reserve” button below, or on 02 97 26 29 80.
Single rate7 €