
Ciné café "Une française à Kaboul, l’aventure d’une vie"

Cinema in Questembert
  • The session is followed by a discussion with Charlotte Erlih, co-director of the film.

  • Charlotte Erlih is a French author and director, a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure and an agrégée in modern literature. After teaching performing arts at the University of Nanterre, she devoted herself fully to writing and directing. In 2008, she co-wrote “L'académie Fratellini – Le cirque de plain-pied” with Coline Serreau. Her first novel, Basha Posh (2013), won several awards, including the NRP Prize for Children's Literature and the Sésame Prize. She has published several works...
    Charlotte Erlih is a French author and director, a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure and an agrégée in modern literature. After teaching performing arts at the University of Nanterre, she devoted herself fully to writing and directing. In 2008, she co-wrote “L'académie Fratellini – Le cirque de plain-pied” with Coline Serreau. Her first novel, Basha Posh (2013), won several awards, including the NRP Prize for Children's Literature and the Sésame Prize. She has published several works with Actes Sud junior, such as 20 pieds sous terre (2014), Highline (2015), Coupée en deux (2018), and J'ai tué un homme (2019). Directed by Charlotte Erlih and Marie-Pierre Camus – 0h54 min The first French woman to marry an Afghan in 1928 and to settle in Kabul, Elizabeth Naim Ziai fought all her life for the emancipation of women in her adopted country. Her little-known adventure allows us to revisit a time when Afghanistan was opening up, when the fate of women was improving considerably. Regular prices.
  • On March 26, 2025 at 8:30 PM