Concert Muna Wase Gospel
Concert, Journées du Patrimoine (National Heritage Days)
in Berric
With the Muna Wase choir from Vannes.
The Vannes choir Muna Wase will offer its "afro-gospel" concert. A rhythmic and colorful show! Between Africa and America, between tradition and modernity, between a capella songs and more jazzy rhythms, the 35 choristers of Muna Wase share with you their passion for vibrant and lively singing. A journey to the choir of the history of Gospel, a link between two continents. The public will thus be able to discover African songs (Igolide, Naha Ya Africa) which are at the origin of Gospel and...
The Vannes choir Muna Wase will offer its "afro-gospel" concert. A rhythmic and colorful show! Between Africa and America, between tradition and modernity, between a capella songs and more jazzy rhythms, the 35 choristers of Muna Wase share with you their passion for vibrant and lively singing. A journey to the choir of the history of Gospel, a link between two continents. The public will thus be able to discover African songs (Igolide, Naha Ya Africa) which are at the origin of Gospel and come from the continent of the choir director and founder of the choir, Christian Meli. But also more recent Gospel songs (Every praise, Holy are you lord). Many soloists will also delight the spectators! The choir and the Muna Wase association, "The children of the world" in the Douala dialect, were created in 2001 by Christian Meli, then a Cameroonian student who had just arrived in France. Initially a small group of students, the choir quickly grew to perform around 200 concerts and weddings. The choir also made two solidarity trips to Cameroon, where it founded a library. Tickets on sale at the Berric town hall, the Bol d'Or and the Panier Berricois.
Full-fare10 €