![Fête de la biodiversité Lauzach.jpg](https://api.cloudly.space/resize/clip/1900/1080/75/aHR0cDovL21lZGlhcy50b3VyaXNtLXN5c3RlbS5jb20vMS8zLzgxOTU5NV9mZXRlX2RlX2xhX2Jpb2RpdmVyc2l0ZV9sYXV6YWNoLmpwZw==/image.jpg)
Fête de la biodiversité
in Lauzach
2 free activities for the whole family.
From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.: Let's enjoy a beautiful two-hour walk to explore local biodiversity. Bird songs, footprints left by wildlife, insects and other critters to discover. It's spring, let's make the most of it! From 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.: Two hours of discovery of nature through play. Come learn about nature better in a fun way. Let's play with and for nature. Battle of leaves, land art, games of the senses, the colors of nature... For the whole family. Meet before 2 p.m. in front of Lauzach...
From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.: Let's enjoy a beautiful two-hour walk to explore local biodiversity. Bird songs, footprints left by wildlife, insects and other critters to discover. It's spring, let's make the most of it! From 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.: Two hours of discovery of nature through play. Come learn about nature better in a fun way. Let's play with and for nature. Battle of leaves, land art, games of the senses, the colors of nature... For the whole family. Meet before 2 p.m. in front of Lauzach town hall. Hosted by Florence de Naturia Naturia56@gmail.com 07 80 02 77 77 Free activities financed by the town hall. More information and reservations, if possible, by telephone and email.