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Journées Européennes des Métiers d'Art

Handicrafts in Rochefort-en-Terre
  • On the occasion of JEMA, La Maison des ARTisanes, a designer boutique in Rochefort-en-Terre, is organizing two demonstration days.

  • These two days of demonstrations are intended to introduce all audiences and all curious people to two artistic professions: saddlery and leatherwork and woodturning. Free admission. Saturday 6: meeting with Atelier La Chenac, artistic saddlery and leather goods, and Clémentine Benoit-Cattin. All the stages of making a leather bag Sunday 7: come and meet Lechatourneur, art turning on wood, and Denis Thévenot. Manufacture of turned tops in different types of wood.
  • Rates
  • Free