Journées sport et mixité
Sports and recreation
in Molac
The Departmental Olympic and Sports Committee of Morbihan in partnership with the Prefecture is organizing a sporting event in Molac on the theme of diversity and equality between girls and boys in sport.
On the occasion of International Women's Rights Day on March 8, the Morbihan Olympic Committee, in partnership with the prefecture and the municipality of Molac, is organizing 2 days, March 8 and 9, to promote gender equality. -woman in sport. Sports activities and round tables will be on the program. Friday March 8 (Rainbow Pole): the day is reserved for young people. The Questembert Community leisure centers will be present, this day is also open to all children who wish to come (no...
On the occasion of International Women's Rights Day on March 8, the Morbihan Olympic Committee, in partnership with the prefecture and the municipality of Molac, is organizing 2 days, March 8 and 9, to promote gender equality. -woman in sport. Sports activities and round tables will be on the program. Friday March 8 (Rainbow Pole): the day is reserved for young people. The Questembert Community leisure centers will be present, this day is also open to all children who wish to come (no registration necessary)! On the program: 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. / 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Sports activities: Savate French Boxing, English boxing (Educational Boxing), Speed Ball with the Sport Pour Tous Committee, dance, Cirk'en Boots (circus association). Open workshops: Gender equality and diversity in sport. Institutional time around 3 p.m. with a speech by the Prefect, the Mayor of Molac and the President of CDOS 56. Saturday March 9 (La Bruyère room): day open to the general public, to families, from grandparents to grandchildren! On the program: 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. Sports activities: French savate boxing, English boxing (educational boxing), Speed Ball with the Sport Pour Tous Committee, dance, Cirk'en Boots (circus association). Round table: Moments of discussion on sport, diversity... Speakers: Maribel FUENTE (Dancer and club president of Savate Boxe Française), Juliette PETRES (Sailing - Participant in the Route du Rhum in 2014), Sara LAHAYE (Professional Boxer in English Boxing), Benoit SIWIAK (Dancer). Program to download below.