Juliette - Chansons de là où l'œil se pose
Music, Concert, Show
in Questembert
COMPLETE. Concert by Juliette, one of the most notable personalities of French song of the last 20 years.
Juliette, her life, her work, her outspokenness, her convictions... She has been working on a large part of French song for years: textual, tasty and meaty version! Explorer, in strings, piano & voice, Juliette gives the song that little literary taste, tinged with cheekiness, which makes each of her appearances on stage so tasty. For his latest compositions, his eye has focused on everyday objects, traces of the past, memories of our dreamed and sung lives, to tell completely new stories......
Juliette, her life, her work, her outspokenness, her convictions... She has been working on a large part of French song for years: textual, tasty and meaty version! Explorer, in strings, piano & voice, Juliette gives the song that little literary taste, tinged with cheekiness, which makes each of her appearances on stage so tasty. For his latest compositions, his eye has focused on everyday objects, traces of the past, memories of our dreamed and sung lives, to tell completely new stories... The texts are careful, the alexandrines are the rule! For all. Remember to reserve your tickets online, click on the “reserve” button below, or on 02 97 26 29 80.
Base rate19 €
Membership rate15 €
Reduce rate12 €