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Les Zapéros Concerts "Courtoisie" (Electro Rétro-Futuriste)
in Rochefort-en-Terre
The aperitif-concerts are back at the Etang Moderne!
Synths, synths and more synths: armed with their keyboards, the two Rennais from Courtoisie compose heady and hypnotic electronic melodies. A variation for keyboards not so temperate or very courteous, which invites you to dance with your eyes closed and take off towards other synth-wave dimensions with John Carpenter as pilot. Concert as part of the “fFstival En-Terre Fantastique”, Arts of the Imaginary. A dreamlike and fantastic journey. Concert in the garden from 6:30 p.m. Bar and snacks...
Synths, synths and more synths: armed with their keyboards, the two Rennais from Courtoisie compose heady and hypnotic electronic melodies. A variation for keyboards not so temperate or very courteous, which invites you to dance with your eyes closed and take off towards other synth-wave dimensions with John Carpenter as pilot. Concert as part of the “fFstival En-Terre Fantastique”, Arts of the Imaginary. A dreamlike and fantastic journey. Concert in the garden from 6:30 p.m. Bar and snacks on site. Free participation.
Free participation—