Petite causerie sur les hydrolats
Nature and relaxation, Nature
in La Vraie-Croix
By Anne Mariot, a midwife (from the Tours region) who wants to make these gifts of plants better known. in partnership with the association of seeds and wheelbarrows.
On registration by phone or email. "Hydrosols come from the distillation by steam distillation of all or part of an aromatic plant. When it is the flower that is distilled, we speak of floral water. The aqueous hydrosol contains specific aromatic compounds and subtle and energetic information from the plant.As we are made up of at least 70% water, they act in all parts of our being (physical, psychic, emotional, energetic) and in its entirety. are subtle, soft and powerful at the same time....
On registration by phone or email. "Hydrosols come from the distillation by steam distillation of all or part of an aromatic plant. When it is the flower that is distilled, we speak of floral water. The aqueous hydrosol contains specific aromatic compounds and subtle and energetic information from the plant.As we are made up of at least 70% water, they act in all parts of our being (physical, psychic, emotional, energetic) and in its entirety. are subtle, soft and powerful at the same time. They have no contraindications and can be used by everyone without age restrictions or fragility. They can also be used in cosmetics and in cooking. They require a quantity much fewer plants than to produce essential oils. They thus preserve this resource and our precious companions, which are plants. As a midwife, I have found with hydrosols the possibility of using plants in all your homes. Me who have been around them and appreciate them for so long, I formed myself and they showed me a new path. I hope through this little chat to make you know them better and share this discovery and this gift of plants". Anne Mariot
Free participation—