Projection de 3 courts-métrages de Sophie Triniac
Cultural, Cinema
in Molac
At L'atelier des lucioles, a new association with an artistic, cultural and scientific vocation based in the town center of Molac.
The screening will be followed by a discussion with the director. The number of places being limited, it is essential to reserve by email or telephone. The films "Jeannotte", "1982" and "Ana, l'été" by Sophie Triniac form an identity triptych, a quest towards knowledge of its history, and, through it, of its own truth. Documentaries and fiction come together, evoking a reflection on the construction of oneself over time, according to the events of life, and essentially the bereavements to be...
The screening will be followed by a discussion with the director. The number of places being limited, it is essential to reserve by email or telephone. The films "Jeannotte", "1982" and "Ana, l'été" by Sophie Triniac form an identity triptych, a quest towards knowledge of its history, and, through it, of its own truth. Documentaries and fiction come together, evoking a reflection on the construction of oneself over time, according to the events of life, and essentially the bereavements to be experienced. Beyond death, it is the drive for life and freedom that is at stake here. “Jeannotte” The birth of my son in June 2013 brings me back to my past. What are the moments, events, sensations, emotions that I remember? Should I find out? Jeannotte, 96, remembers history, her story, her emotions. And of me too. This documentary is his story; mine too thanks to what she and my son lead me to. Jeannotte disappeared on the night of December 26 to 27, 2016, a year and a half after the making of this film. “1982” In 2017, I discovered the existence of a little sister who was stillborn on October 15, 1982. I was then 6 and a half years old. In 1982, I make an attempt to find traces to reconstruct that year, to reconstruct the little girl that I was then with her pain in the face of this event greater than her, buried by the silence of my parents. This film is my quest, that of knowing in order to reconstruct a story, my story. To unknit and knit differently. 1982 approaches perinatal mourning through the questioning of traumatic amnesia, of an absence of memory which reinforces the presence of the latter, invisible and insistent. "Ana, summer" Ana is a cheeky teenager. His mother, ill for years, lives her last days during the summer. Ana, who has lived too long around this disease, tries to hide a suffering that words cannot capture. She decides to regain her freedom and live the beauty of her youth, that summer. With Louisiane Gouverneur, Kamal Rawas and Joseph Pelissier.
Single rate2 €