Panique chez les aristos- théâtre La Vraie-Croix.jpg

Théâtre : Panique chez les aristos

Theatre in La Vraie-Croix
Unresolved hours
  • By the Gais Lurons theatre troupe

  • Annual performances. The amateur acting troupes of Les Gais Lurons will perform seven times in November on the stage of the Glyscène, in La Vraie-Croix. The young people will perform "La révolte des couleurs" and the adults a comedy: "Panique chez les aristos". Reservations are strongly recommended (seating in the room in order of reservation) by email or by phone at 06 27 45 35 75. The special feature for the young people's troupe is that they are performing...
    Annual performances. The amateur acting troupes of Les Gais Lurons will perform seven times in November on the stage of the Glyscène, in La Vraie-Croix. The young people will perform "La révolte des couleurs" and the adults a comedy: "Panique chez les aristos". Reservations are strongly recommended (seating in the room in order of reservation) by email or by phone at 06 27 45 35 75. The special feature for the young people's troupe is that they are performing a very powerful text: La révolte des couleurs, by Sylvie Bahuche. This show addresses a serious subject, that of the deportation of Jewish children during the Second World War, but with great finesse and humor sometimes too. The adults will once again perform a play by Viviane Tardivel: "Panique chez les aristos". An extravagant comedy where the burlesque of the situation with twists and gags will provoke laughter from the spectators.
  • Rates
  • Base rate
    7 €
  • Reduce rate
    4 €