As part of the "Economic Tourism and Know-How Weeks" organized in Brittany from 10/21 to 11/03.
"In our workshop in Pluherlin, we make cider, apple juice, vinegar, chouchen and also an "old-fashioned" lemonade, with pure Sicilian lemon juice and cane sugar, as well as bissap. All products are produced using organic farming methods. The ciders are pure juice, without added sulphites or carbon dioxide. We will offer you a tour of the cider house to discover the different stages of apple juice and cider production." The Atelier de la Pépie team. Good reasons to go: Artisanal production;...
"In our workshop in Pluherlin, we make cider, apple juice, vinegar, chouchen and also an "old-fashioned" lemonade, with pure Sicilian lemon juice and cane sugar, as well as bissap. All products are produced using organic farming methods. The ciders are pure juice, without added sulphites or carbon dioxide. We will offer you a tour of the cider house to discover the different stages of apple juice and cider production." The Atelier de la Pépie team. Good reasons to go: Artisanal production; Organic farming; Free tasting Public: all ages Duration: approx. 1h30 Group: min. 5 people up to max. 20 people. Prior booking REQUIRED (online by clicking on the "book" button on this page or at the counter of the Questembert and Rochefort-en-Terre Tourist Offices). The largest event in France dedicated to company visits in Brittany organized by the Federation of Tourist Offices of Brittany! The participation fees for company visits collected as part of the Economic Tourism and Know-How Weeks of Brittany organized by the Federation of Tourist Offices of Brittany will be donated to the association Sauveteurs en Mer — Société Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer (SNSM).