©CF.Stephan Arslanyan
In 837, the cartulary of the abbey of Redon mentions monks on the territory of Saint-Gravé.
Saint-Gravé is mentioned as a parish in the eleventh century, this one was part of the county of Rieux, according to a document of 1516, this parish was designated under the name of Sancta Gravida, in other words, the Holy Enclosure.
Sancta Gravida is still found in the 17th century, so how do we explain the translation “Saint Gravida” in the masculine form, which appears as early as the 16th century? It remains a mystery…
An ancient statue of the virgin is placed above the altarpiece of the church, and is referred to as “Ste Gravé“. It would have been brought from the fountain of the same name, located south of the town.
As you walk along the paths, the ancestral heritage is revealed: neolithic burial grounds, chapels, crosses and calvaries… There is also a remarkable private heritage: the 19th century Château du Brossais, the 15th century Château de Cancouët, and the Montrel manor.
The Dolmen des Follets is one of the many megalithic monuments listed on the landes de Lanvaux. It is a well-preserved Neolithic sepulture.
The monument is accessed by the departmental road RD 774, linking Saint-Gravé to Rochefort-en-Terre. At 3 km from the village of Saint-Gravé, a small road on the left indicates the direction to follow. Voici lesgeographic coordinates.
This privately owned dolmen is described as being of the Angevin type or “portico dolmen” , the architectural style most frequently encountered in this eastern part of the Morbihan department. This monument has a length of 4 m for a width of 2.40 m and is oriented OON-EES. The interior height is 1,50 m.
The construction is estimated at 3 000 years before Jesus-Christ. The Dolmen had a collective funerary function.
The commune of Saint-Gravé proposes the circuit of the Lock (9 km), This circuit is interesting by the diversity of the crossed landscapes.
Circuit de l’Ecluse (9km)
L’écluse du Gueslin is located along the Nantes to Brest canal (l’Oust), an ideal place to recharge your batteries, cycle with your family or fish while watching the barges go by…
Check out the opening hours
16 route de Rochefort-en-Terre
56220 Saint-Gravé
02 97 43 52 45