Atelier "Week-end Technique vocale & Polyphonie"
in Molac
This workshop organized by the Atelier des Lucioles and led by Valentine Bâty is aimed at all people wishing to discover vocal technique and practice polyphony through some songs from around the world.
The course led by Valentine Bâty is aimed at all people wishing to discover vocal technique and practice polyphony through some songs from around the world. It's about meeting your voice and experiencing this very special time of connection: singing together. Singing is learned and practiced. It revolves around techniques that are accessible to everyone – yes, even to you who may think you “can’t sing”! During the course, we will explore the elements at play in the production of sound...
The course led by Valentine Bâty is aimed at all people wishing to discover vocal technique and practice polyphony through some songs from around the world. It's about meeting your voice and experiencing this very special time of connection: singing together. Singing is learned and practiced. It revolves around techniques that are accessible to everyone – yes, even to you who may think you “can’t sing”! During the course, we will explore the elements at play in the production of sound through bodily awareness exercises, breath work and vocalization. We use rhythmic and melodic games which create musical cohesion in the group. Then we learn some world songs in several voices (polyphony). Singing together gives us an experience of connection through emotions and musical sensations, which are even stronger when we share them with other people. This is why we offer trainees the opportunity to participate in a small concert as the opening act for the VADRIEL vocal quartet. A rehearsal will take place on Sunday morning to review the pieces from the day before as well as those from previous editions in order to prepare for this little concert. Some pieces will be sung jointly with the vocal quartet. The course is accessible to everyone, beginners to experienced. There is no need to have attended previous editions of the course to register! During the concert you will be able to sing only the songs on which you are comfortable. The most important thing above all is to have fun! Course of the weekend of training Saturday August 31 10 a.m.: vocal technique 12 p.m.: learning singing 1 1:30 p.m.: lunch break 2:30 p.m.: learning singing 2 and 3 5:30 p.m.: end of the day Please note: unlike previous editions there will be no sung aperitif, replaced by the concert the next day Sunday September 1st 10 a.m.: warm-up 10:30 a.m.: revision of all the songs (editions 1-2-3 of the course + songs from the day before) 1 p.m.: end of rehearsal 4:30 p.m.: trainee concert 5 p.m.: VADRIEL concert IMPORTANT: resources to revise all the songs will be accessible via the Drive (scores, lyrics, recordings) Public / Prerequisites: no prerequisites in singing or musical reading / from 15 years old Minimum / maximum participants: 8 to 30 people Price: €40 for members / €44 for non-members. A deposit of 50% is required upon reservation. It will be kept in the event of cancellation by the participant occurring less than 3 working days before the workshop (unless the person withdrawing finds a replacement) and refunded if the workshop does not take place, due to lack of sufficient numbers. of participants. Possibility of paying the deposit by check, cash and online via HelloAsso. Practical information: Comfortable outfit for body work. Picnic for lunch (lunch break from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.). A gourd. For any information or registration, contact us by email (and don't hesitate to check your spam if you don't see a response quickly).
Reduce rate45 €
Full-fare49.50 €