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Bal parent/enfant "Par le bout du Noz"
Cultural, Music, Festival
in Questembert
As part of the Lune Rousse Festival which highlights current Breton cultures.
This dance show is based on the original story of Fañch Moussara, a somewhat narcoleptic badger. It is illustrated by drawings revealed throughout the narration. The children will accompany Fañch and his family on their adventures with dances linked to historical events: Galop nantais, Rond de Saint-Vincent, Circassian circle… Carried away by the baritone saxophone of Ronan Le Gouriérec, the children will lead their parents “ through the tip of the nose.” Free. Children from 7 years old...
This dance show is based on the original story of Fañch Moussara, a somewhat narcoleptic badger. It is illustrated by drawings revealed throughout the narration. The children will accompany Fañch and his family on their adventures with dances linked to historical events: Galop nantais, Rond de Saint-Vincent, Circassian circle… Carried away by the baritone saxophone of Ronan Le Gouriérec, the children will lead their parents “ through the tip of the nose.” Free. Children from 7 years old accompanied by an adult. Small catering on site. The 3rd edition of the “La Lune Rousse” festival takes you to “breizh’current” lands. Friendly, festive and varied events (shows, talks, initiations, gastronomy, etc.) will punctuate various places in downtown Questembert. The program will bring contemporary dance into dialogue with fest-noz, a Bagad with a Boys Band, Arnold Schwarzenegger with Yannick Jaulin, the Breton repertoire with Irish sounds. She will explore the richness of local cultures through song, dance, storytelling, music... and also cuisine! Concerts, shows, initiations, time for discussion and conviviality... A rich program of activities and festivities is being prepared for all audiences! Detailed program to come. In the meantime, we invite you to consult the pre-program below: