Concert Malagasy Gospel & Kilema
in Questembert
Organized by the international solidarity association Eau de Coco.
Reservations are recommended by registering online on the HelloAsso website (link opposite). As part of a project led by the EAU DE COCO association, 12 young choristers accompanied by Kilema, a Malagasy artist, will sing songs from the end of the World which will take us on a human adventure as unforgettable as it is moving. For several years, the EAU DE COCO association, an actor of international solidarity, has developed, with partners from the South of Madagascar such as the NGO Bel...
Reservations are recommended by registering online on the HelloAsso website (link opposite). As part of a project led by the EAU DE COCO association, 12 young choristers accompanied by Kilema, a Malagasy artist, will sing songs from the end of the World which will take us on a human adventure as unforgettable as it is moving. For several years, the EAU DE COCO association, an actor of international solidarity, has developed, with partners from the South of Madagascar such as the NGO Bel Avenir, educational projects which make it possible to fight against child labor, against early pregnancy including 1 in 2 teenagers are victims, or even child prostitution… In order to offer the possibility of a leisure activity in a secure context to young Malagasy girls from poor neighborhoods in the city of Tuléar (South-West of Madagascar) , the association created, more than 15 years ago, a choir, the Malagasy Gospel. Today, more than 600 young girls and boys go, outside of school hours, to the Tuléar Art and Music Center. Through various workshops (singing, percussion, brass band, circus, etc.), beyond artistic skills, Eau de Coco participates in the integral development and fulfillment of these young people. During the month of November 2023, 12 young choristers accompanied by Kilema, a Malagasy artist and Harris, a visually impaired soloist, will sing songs from the end of the world which will take us on a human adventure as unforgettable as it is moving. Local choirs will share some of these songs.
Free participation—