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Paroles d'agricultrices pour un regard croisé au féminin sur l'agriculture d'hier et d'aujourd'hui
in Molac
On the occasion of Agri Culture month proposed by the culture center of Questembert Community.
With Stéphane Batigne, editor, and 5 farmer-authors from La Vraie-Croix The recent publication of the book “Paroles d'agricultrices” by Éditions Questembertoises Stéphane Batigne is the ideal opportunity to meet the 5 farmer-authors of the True Cross. Now retired, in this work they bear witness to the spectacular evolution that rural areas have undergone over the past sixty years. “The history of agriculture has often been written in masculine terms. Traditionally, farms were passed down to...
With Stéphane Batigne, editor, and 5 farmer-authors from La Vraie-Croix The recent publication of the book “Paroles d'agricultrices” by Éditions Questembertoises Stéphane Batigne is the ideal opportunity to meet the 5 farmer-authors of the True Cross. Now retired, in this work they bear witness to the spectacular evolution that rural areas have undergone over the past sixty years. “The history of agriculture has often been written in masculine terms. Traditionally, farms were passed down to boys and the farm manager was almost always a man. Things began to change in 1960, when the agricultural orientation law defended by Edgar Pisani encouraged farmers to modernize their practices. Agricultural extension groups appeared, in which women took their full place.” By reservation at the Molac media library