As part of the "Economic Tourism and Know-How Weeks" organized in Brittany from 10/21 to 11/03.
We are a precision mechanics company specializing in the machining of various parts. Thanks to our various digital machines, we can manufacture custom parts or parts according to the plan sent by our customers. The guided tour will allow you to discover the SMPL workshop as well as the manufacture of parts by milling or turning. Good reasons to go: Discovery of the backstage of precision mechanics; Exceptionally open to the public Public: from 14 years old Duration: approx. 30 min Group:...
We are a precision mechanics company specializing in the machining of various parts. Thanks to our various digital machines, we can manufacture custom parts or parts according to the plan sent by our customers. The guided tour will allow you to discover the SMPL workshop as well as the manufacture of parts by milling or turning. Good reasons to go: Discovery of the backstage of precision mechanics; Exceptionally open to the public Public: from 14 years old Duration: approx. 30 min Group: min. 5 people up to 10 people max. Closed shoes required. Prior reservation REQUIRED (online by clicking on the "book" button on this page or at the counter of the Tourist Offices of Questembert and Rochefort-en-Terre). The largest event in France dedicated to company visits in Brittany organized by the Federation of Tourist Offices of Brittany! The participation fees for company visits collected as part of the Economic Tourism and Know-How Weeks of Brittany organized by the Federation of Tourist Offices of Brittany will be donated to the association Sauveteurs en Mer — Société Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer (SNSM).